
Santee Alley Back to School Shopping

So it's my favorite time of the year! Yeah I'm crazy most parents don't look forward to shelling out cash and going from store to store looking for school clothes but not me I love to shop. So in order to prepare for school I have each kid make a list of what they need of course it's the usual for the smaller one uniforms, socks underwear backpack hair accessories very easy. With my list in hand I begin with my stops first on my list was the Santee Alley in Downtown Los Angeles from reviews on the internet and word of mouth I heard that this gem in Downtown LA has some great finds. On my list of course was finding those inexpensive uniforms hair clips, underwear and sox. Next was finding a black and brown bag for the teenager for HS and of course maybe something or two for myself.

Review of the Alley:
1st and foremost arrive early if you get there past 12noon crowds crowds crowds
2nd you must check out the bacon wrapped hot dogs! Yummy Yummy Yummy
3rd Haggle Haggle Haggle never hurts if they say ten dollars I say seven
4th Quality before you buy make sure of the quality yeah it's five bucks but, you want that five bucks to stretch I always think WDF (wash dry fit) if I wash and dry will it fit again

We arrived a little too early 8:30am but early enough to get prime parking $7.00 right on the Alley vallet was $10.00 most of the stores weren't open or were begining to open.  The Alley is huge and they also have regular shops open on the sides and corners of the Alley.  After about 30 minutes of walking I found some great finds on jewelry.  Retail price for the earrings I purchased would be $3.99 per pair I got them for $1.00 I found some really cute bangle bracelets retail price $4.99 I purchased them for $1.00.  I found these jade bracelets that I wanted so badly but retail price at fashion Q was $2.99 each and I didn't want just one I purchased several colors for $0.50 each that was a great find!  After a while the shops do start to get repetative I found a super cute Hello Kitty Shirt for $10.00 I also found a Victoria Secret Pink sweat suit perfect for fall workouts but I passed and regret not purchasing the set for $11.99.   I purchased Nina Ricci perfume retail price $52.00 Alley price $10.00.  I also purchased a black super cute handbag which I love retail price $52.00 at the Westminster Mall Alley price $15.00.  I didn't fnd any school uniforms or good deals on school clothes the shoes were a little over priced for my taste and some of the clothing was either retail price or regular discount priced I could get at Fashion Q.  Overall the Alley was just ok nothing that I couldn't have found at one my favorite swapmeets or discount store.  We left around 12noon it took that long to walk it I didn't find anything to rave about exept the perfume and handbag by 12noon all the shops were open and the crowds were huge! Overall I wouldn't go on a regular basis but may take a trip once a year it's not a must see but it is worth checking out at least one time.
That's all to report for this weekend Happy Bargain Shopping and for next weekend I'll be checking out the Golden West Swapmeet I haven't visited this gem in several months with my aunts B-Day fast approaching and she is a woman who has everything it's that time of year to go junking and see what gems I can find.